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Identify and Minimise Risks for Employees 

With the COVID-19 pandemic, expectations of travel and mobility management have further increased, and the variety of tasks keeps growing. Business travellers and assignees expect coordinated, smooth processes and offers that meet their needs. And they want to be safe during their business trip or their assignment.

Complicating matters for managers is the increasing flood of information, as well as travel complexity due to global health or security incidents like the COVID-19 pandemic and social unrest. Compliance with Duty of Care obligations plays a greater role today than ever before.

We help organisations and their people reduce exposure to, and mitigate risks while travelling or working abroad.

How it Works

  • Our Solutions

    When people are faced with new health and security risks – especially in a new environment or at risk of crime, illness or conflict – their employers, sponsors, schools, family and friends like to know they have easy access to the best advice and care. That is why our Workforce Resilience service supports your people every step of the way. We help them prepare for layered threat environments, monitor their location, warn them of emerging risks and provide professional health and security expertise. Before any change of working circumstances, your people can consult – online or via our App – our location guides for detailed health and safety tips, maps and cultural information. This can also be received directly via email.
  • Layered Threat Environment

    Our monitoring tools identify and locate your people who are in the vicinity of any significant incidents or threats. We also inform you by email of any emerging health or security risks that might affect your people. Most important of all, we provide your people with 24/7 access to world-class health and security services via our global network of Assistance Centres and networks on the ground. One call puts them in touch with doctors, nurses, logistics coordinators and security teams.
  • Partnering With Your Ecosystem of Providers

    We support travel and mobility managers with an unparalleled breadth of solutions for your business. We also understand that we are not alone. You are likely to have insurance policies in place to take care of your employees, travel management companies who book trips, as well as advise from tax advisors and brokers. To make your life easier, we hold direct relationships with a wide range of your service providers, and integrate with them too. Meaning that you can simplify processes and be more efficient in your role, all while taking care of what matters most: your employees.
We are there to support you at every stage of your return to travel plans.
Contact Us To Learn More

How it helps

Our support means you and your people can rely on expert help, whatever the requirements. We can assist with preparation, compliance, security and monitoring, as well as providing on-site health assistance. Our 24/7 global Assistance Centres provide access to the best possible expertise for any question or emergency. Our global network of accredited providers ensures we have ‘boots on the ground’ to support you, wherever you need it.
Learn more about our Workforce Resilience Solution

Preparation and Mitigation

Medical and security location guides and alerts:

  • Online destination guides - research up-to-date medical, security and travel information on more than 850 cities and 239 countries.
  • Medical and security alerts - receive situational intelligence and the latest medical guidance and security advice directly on your phone.
  • Mobile App - access alerts, country guides, check-in, one button calling and live chat with health and security experts via mobile devices.
  • Pre-travel guidance - receive security and medical advice based on planned destinations.

Unlimited 24/7 Assistance

Call our  24/7 Assistance Centres for advice, referrals and assistance: 

  • Lost document advice and assistance, emergency message transmission, emergency personal cash advance.
  • Global infrastructure and local connections - support during a security situation or critical medical event using our 27 Assistance Centres and extensive Global Assistance Network.
  • Provider advice - research, advice and information on providers for ground transportation, accommodation, etc who have been vetted by our in-house experts.
  • 24/7 access to experts - receive immediate assistance from security and medical experts when an emergency occurs or you need guidance. 

