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Four Lasting Trends Impacting your Domestic Workforce


Amidst the uncertainty, COVID-19 has created obvious challenges for your business travellers, and international assignees. Repatriations, and new remote working environments have caused organisations to take a micro view at how to achieve operational resilience. As we surpass six months of managing the pandemic, we look to the risks and necessary support needed for your domestic workforce, a group often neglected from the first line of impact.

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Domestic employees, now more than ever, require specialised health and safety support whether working from home, in a workplace or travelling domestically. This community face a variety of risks even in medium to low risk locations. Providing a robust level of support for these individuals, will ensure your workforce resilience especially during times of crisis. Below are the four emerging trends we believe are here to stay.

  • Mental health resilience has been challenged during the pandemic and your domestic workers are likely to experience apprehensions. To ensure business resilience as return to operations begins to reopen, providing access to accredited emotional support provider will help to prevent from long term impacts.
  • Information anxiety continues to be prevalent as social media outlets and news channels remain front in centre in our daily exposure. Access to location specific intelligence and monitoring can provide accurate and timely information on the changing security and health threats in the location they are based.
  • Local security threats are becoming more complex as the pandemic progresses. Civil unrest, protests and xenophobic attacks are seen globally, raising concerns for your workforce. Actively being able to monitor your workforce will help to mitigate from the risks to ensure they stay informed and protected.
  • As your organisation plans your return to operations and return to travel procedures, compliance monitoring for your people is pertinent to ensure they are fit-to-work and do not cause an increased spread of cases. Should an incident arise, your domestic workforce needs access to 24/7 assistance should they need medical or security support.

How do you identify potential risk exposures impacting your workforce?

Assistance for your domestic employees is just one component of our Workforce Resilience service: everything you need to safely manage your global teams while they work around the world.


In just five minutes, you will receive a customised report that you can take directly to your management. The report includes:

  • a broad indication of your organisation's current maturity with regard to pandemic preparedness planning, processes and tools.

  • the level of remedial action required to minimise the risks from a pandemic or crisis facing your organisation and workforce.

  • recommended steps to improve.


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