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코로나19에 대한 안내


The safety of employees and the wider community becomes a primary focus as lockdown measures relax. While no organisation can guarantee preventing the spread of infection, vital precautionary steps will minimise risks, contribute to your Duty of Care responsibilities and promote resilience.

Whatever the circumstances, whether hybrid working, an office, a factory, a retail outlet, a film set, a mine site, an oil rig or an entire community, real-time insights, risk mitigation, ongoing testing and vaccination programmes are key. Beyond this, emphasis needs to be put on tackling misinformation and vaccine hesitancy.

Taking a long-term view of the pandemic, failure to manage chronic diseases and the mental health of employees could signify a backwards step in productivity and could even result in increasing costs overall. In this regard, consider engaging partners that have extensive pandemic management experience, able to implement global programmes and experts who support local capacity building and diversity efforts.

Responding well to this crisis is what will set organisations apart from others in the future. Whether that is your ability to respond to an extreme weather event, political instability in a business-critical location or major infrastructure failure. This will be your COVID-19 legacy.

How We Supported Clients By The Numbers

  • 73,000

    COVID-19 related cases assisted

  • 51,000

    COVID-19 Molecular Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) tests performed

  • 4,300

    COVID-19 related medical and security alerts issued


  • 35+ Years Experience

    We have over 35 years of medical delivery experience including pandemic response, starting with SARS in 2003 and then Ebola, Polio, MERS, etc.
  • Local Presence and Global Infrastructure

    With boots on the ground, clients can leverage our deep knowledge; we understand the different local health systems, laws and regulations, as well as the cultural influences at play.
  • Customised Solutions

    Our solutions are customised to meet the unique needs of each client, plus our solutions are medically led and evidence-based.


Heightened Importance of the Flu Vaccine Amidst COVID-19

Learn about the heightened importance of the Flu vaccine amidst COVID-19:


  • share benefits of the Flu Vaccine
  • proactively support vaccination programs 
  • address questions about COVID-19 and Flu vaccines

“It was hugely rewarding to work with International SOS, as we could get information so much earlier than if we had to find and develop it ourselves. As we are just a team of two managing risk and security, having International SOS there as trusted partner was a real game-changer.” 


— Athina Pehrman, Group Risk Manager, Electrolux Professional, Stockholm 


COVID 트립 플래너 (COVID Trip Planner)

국가별 여행 제한 사항 및 요건 이해에 필요한 리소스

COVID 트립 플래너는 출장자 개인의 여권 및 예방접종 상태, 출발지, 경유지, 도착지 등의 사항을 고려하여 국가별 여행 제한 사항, 코로나19 검사, 비자 요건, 필수 서류 등의 최신 정보를 실시간으로 한 눈에 확인할 수 있는 플랫폼입니다.


인터내셔날SOS는 기업/기관의 관리자와 직원들에게 출장 전부터 출장 중, 그리고 복귀 후에 이르기까지 안전하고 건강하게 지내는 데 필요한 전문가 조언, 출장 계획 툴, 포괄적인 의료, 안전 및 여행 정보를 제공합니다.


회원사 전용 홈페이지에 접속 또는 앱스토어에서 어시스턴스 앱을 다운로드 하여 COVID 트립 플래너를 경험하세요.


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